
We try to be upfront with our pricing. So where we can, we will show you it here. Some things like the amount of free minutes, number of extensions, or type of phone rental will effect monthly cost.

Amazing Pricing Options FROM

We don’t hide our prices. We are proud of the quality and the standard, so we feel comfortable showing you these “from” prices (hey if you order 10000 extensions, it may be more expensive!)










Frequently asked questions

! We know that navigating the telecom universe can sometimes feel like trying to unscramble a Rubik’s Cube with your eyes closed (not recommended). But fear not, fellow communicator, we’re here to shed light on the mysteries of phone plans, broadband, and everything in between. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into this telecommunications rollercoaster together. Think of it as our version of “Phone-ywood Squares” with a dash of witty repartee.

Ah, the timeless mystery of how a phone operates! Well, my friend, it's all very complicated, so brace yourself for some mind-boggling wizardry: Picture this – it works like a normal phone! You speak into it, the person on the other end hears you (hopefully), and voila, communication magic! No smoke signals, carrier pigeons, or secret telepathic messages involved here. It's like talking to your friend next door, except they could be halfway around the world enjoying a croissant while you're still sipping your morning coffee. So, in short, phones work like... well, phones!

We're like the Santa Claus of the telecom world – we support a whole bunch of devices! Whether you're team iPhone, Android, or still holding onto that vintage Nokia from 2002 (hey, it's a classic), we've got you covered with support for almost all modern smartphones. If you're more of a "sit-at-your-desk" type, our services play nicely with almost all PCs equipped with mics and speakers. And for the desk phone aficionados out there, fear not, we've curated a delightful selection of desk phones that will make your office setup the envy of cubicles everywhere. So, whether you're a touchscreen tapper, a keyboard clacker, or a traditional button pusher, rest assured, we're in the business of making your phone experience as smooth as butter on a hot biscuit.

Ah, the eternal quest for the perfect setup time! Well, here's the deal: The actual technical part? That's quicker than you can say "ring-a-ding-ding." It's like assembling a jigsaw puzzle made of marshmallows - sweet and surprisingly fast! But here's where time tends to slip away faster than socks in a laundry machine – figuring out exactly what you want your phone system to do. Do you want it to ring Janice first, then Phil, except on Wednesdays, and only after 2 pm when Phil is having his coffee, so Ian needs to answer it? See where we're going? The setup speedometer is directly linked to your creativity in concocting phone scenarios. So, in short, we'll have the tech part up and running in no time, but when it comes to crafting your phone system masterpiece, we'll be here to make sure every call rings true to your unique symphony of communication chaos!

We're easier to reach than your favorite takeout place on a Friday night! You've got options galore: you can shoot us an email, give us a ring (pun intended), or even send a carrier pigeon if you're into that old-school charm (though we can't promise the pigeon will arrive with tech solutions). Our support team is like your trusty sidekick, ready to swoop in and save the day. So, whether you're feeling tech-savvy and want to drop us an email or just need a friendly voice to guide you through, we're here, and we've got your back!